How To Identify A Hero : Top 3 Traits Of A Good Superhero

“Don’t let another day go without being touched by the magic inside of you.” – Prem Rawat

When you wake up in the morning, are you in good vibes? Wanting to avoid negativity at all costs, so excited, you’d jump out of your bed to find yourself ready to rock the day? Are you like “Superman” who is willing to help any person who is in danger or you want to show the fun of having a good superhero around, behaving like “Spiderman, the friendly neighbour? You would think, “With great power comes great responsibility,” or you imagine you’re “Ironman”, someone who never quits? 

Do you want to be extraordinary, like the Tamil heroes, saving innocent people from harm by hitting the villain to the ground? You admire the hero so much that you begin throwing cigarettes in the air, wanting it to land in your mouth but too bad, they end in the drains! You might even wish to be like the Tamil actor with unique heroism, “Rajini” sir! Maybe, here and then, you did try some of his cool tricks to prove you are a “Hero”?

Not only in the movies, but in real life, we fail to witness the real superheroes. It could be you. The superhero of optimism and enthusiasm or someone who does the little things that really count! You always find the good in everything around you even through the rough-tough, rainy days! How to know if you are a real superhero? Explore further the top three traits of a good superhero.

1. Positivity

A positive attitude wins even the bad days. Even in the worst scenarios, a superhero is a person who will rise early, look for solutions to every problem they encounter. They are beaming with positivity and cheer for the ones they love even when if they had just hit small wins out of real-life struggles. For them, the simple things in life end the happiest when they encourage the people around them to do better! They are in to make meaningful moments with their sense of charm and charisma. Maybe, you would have met people from all walks of life. Have you met a person who has so much positivity that they are amused when another person speaks ill of another? He or she has the right temperament and attitude set at any time of the day to look for more goodness instead of pulling others down to their chaos. 

2. Selfless

You aren’t the one to hold grudges. Instead, you prefer to spread selfless love and positivity. This means more than just saying the three words or sending out gifts on any occasion. You go the extra mile by bringing your family out for dinner, bringing home some good food or even protecting your loved ones when a stranger attacks your home. Your brave yet selfless side is, even more the reason for who you really are and how others look up to you. You show your love through kindness. You are the real you, all the time, the light at the end of the tunnel when one is down or needs your help.

While others may sometimes pretend to be something they aren’t, just to climb up the social ladder, you will always be authentic to yourself, showing people the real, unique you. While you are a confident and strong individual, you understand that there are moments when it’s better to lower your own sense of self-importance. You don’t believe that you are too good for anything or better than other people.

3. Kindness

Kindness is a godsend gift for you and is the basic trait behind most of your life habits. You don’t even give it a second thought when you are asked to help another person. Your motivation and hero instinct comes from the deep desire to help others. While there might be some things that scare you, that doesn’t mean you will back out from your responsibilities simply due to fear. The truth is, we all have our own fears but courage doesn’t mean we fear nothing. True courage is the voice that says, “I will do what I can as long as I’m alive.”

Rain or shine, you are a loyal friend! You would never turn your back on those who earned your trust. A superhero not only has the positive outlook to change their days or be an inspiring role model to others, they are go-getters, never ever giving in to bad circumstances, or uncertainties, making the choices that deemed to be right while supporting and protecting the ones they truly love.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it’s the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Be positive, kind and brave. There are three steps in becoming an unsung hero. You need to learn how to be extraordinary, sticking to good habits and being grateful for what you already have. From the moment you breathe till the end, you should have goals. That’s what makes your current and future filled with great and inspiring moments. When you leave this world, you bring with you something others can be inspired with. A real-life superhero, living your life with zero negativity, spreading wings of humanity and finding true joy in being a human.

It’s not too late to find the hero in you. All that you have to do is find your “Why” and “How”. Your visionary in life. Every superhero has to believe in something and have the thirsty urge to fight for it.

Thank you so much for reading. May the Universe reward you with happiness always.



Author: Durga Radhakrishnan

I am an open book. I love to write and sing and my life's virtues are peace, love, humanity, humility and courage. Find nature and animals very intriguing and adorable. :) Mission Of Life : Better, kinder and bolder!

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